28 July 2010

Let go lead to emptiness.

Say bye to http://bennychai.blogspot.com/

Link changed because i do really need some privacy...and mostly is because I'm try letting go something. Although Letting go lead to emptiness, but I clear about what i WANT and what i NEED. There is a say "the more it closer to you, the more you want to hold it."
yes, i need to go.

Just sometime...we need to step out from the circle, to temporarily remove ourselves from the execrable situation so that we could calm down and take a deep breath.

quota to share :
man does not live by bread and butter alone

Don't ever tie yourself, we deserved more. Just step out from the circle....and smile *appreciate.

“迷恋文字是 为了提醒自己做个有心有情的过客,在花飞叶落的彼岸之间,
让我们张开文字的雨幕,涂 抹下或华 丽,或诡魅,或冰莹的色彩...”

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