31 May 2009
BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 2nd day morning
BOTY M'sia 2009 final
30 May 2009
M'sia Boty 2009
Finally i had finish my mid yr exam and now is the time for holiday`
Opportunely, M'sia Boty 2009 start tomorrow.. wuhu.. Although i don't have any participation in it this year, but hope that ONE DAY later i will be able to represent!
Im going kl tomorrow morning to support my ex crew-SYKO BREAKER & also my friend's crew-FAMOUS CREW... their skill are really awesome, hope both of them will hav a excellent result in BOTY this year...
29 May 2009
SUDC logo 3D
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Date : 27.06.2009
Time : 7.00pm.
Venue : M.S. Garden Hotel.
Theme : Mystique,mysterious with magical masquerade.
Ticketing price : RM 60.
Restrictions : 18 years old and above only.
For more information / reservations, kindly contact
Jin Jin @ 016 933 7153
i bet,you don't want to miss it aye!
28 May 2009
Win CoolX kaki mar
date : 26/05 tuesday
venue : coolx station . Imba team versus Coolx team
Imba team :
Narubian Assassin (甲虫)
Yue the death prophet (女鬼)
benny the faerie dragon
billy the rasta
pw the earthshaker(地主公)
Coolx team :
Cristal maiden(cashier)
Vengeful spirit
Necrolyte (ah kok)
*one more forgot ady..
We forgot the score ady.. but Imba team hav a tremendous win in this match... if not mistaken the killing score was 5x versus 1x
note* the coolx team lead by a guy name 'ah kok' , a paling noisy ppl in coolx.. with his teammate and also the coolx cashier.. ya, imba team win alot dota match, but y i upload this??
1st. The coolx team lead by ah kok - a really very yong shui talkative guy in coolx.
2nd. pw was in the match. request by one of our teamate to update this match in my blog and mention about 'pw in es' really 'imba'. exp. stun n block his own teamate dll.
3rd. ww was in the team(1st team match after he came bac from kl)
Today he come and say 我要报仇,我要挑战你..... 0.o"
really imba~~~
是偶的偶像 当然他不是那一般靠样子出众而令人追棒的歌手
他是 绝对的实力派 这一点在他上星期在关丹的签唱会偶就见证了
本地出唱片的歌手真的很难 而他到台湾发展确实是很好的开始
希望林健輝 一路顺利 唱片大卖 =)
26 May 2009
Found under the eaves
I thought I have, but found a piece of air. . .
I thought I do not need, but found indispensable. . .
I thought I do not care, but found i really take to heart. . .
24 May 2009
有些东西固然重要,然而一提再提,那个意义也就不存在了。 在面对许许多多问题的十字路口转折处,学会倾听自己的声音,找出平衡点,随着心里那股力量的方向做出抉择,不需要犹豫有的没有的。
23 May 2009
真正衬托幸福的是两个字 - 信任,不是得失。
打DOTA的男生是MM的择偶最佳选择 yeah ^.^
就算每一场Cm都输,打完一局后还是要说GG(也就是good game/多多指教),大不了明天再找回来。君子报仇,十年不晚。久而久之,DOTAer都会养成记吃不记打、谦虚谨慎的良好性格。这同样也是好老公的必备条件之一。
做为DOTAer, 基本功之一就是在游戏中的观察对手的走位和行动,日复一日,年复一年,他的观察力绝对和福尔摩斯不相上下。同样和你在一起的时候,他不会忽略掉你的一颦一笑,一举一动。你疲劳时,他帮助你;你高兴时,一起享受快乐;你苦闷时,他安慰你。老公如此,夫复何求!
5 、计划性
后言 :
22 May 2009
Truant [K]ing
u6a2 truant king- benny chai with only 58 attendance for the 2nd semester..0.o lmao..
This morning oversleep again -_- wake up dat time ady 7.50am Lolx.... and here, a big SORRY to billy, for let him wait so long infront my house and not 1st time ady >.< he is in angry now i think... x.x actually im not purposely mau ponteng one =.= haiz...
and now i hav to start my econ revision ady... pening..... =(
21 May 2009
*屋檐下的小孩 Lil'benny's Blog Description
用了整个早上,终于把部落格给重新包装了~! 部落格的名字也给换掉了-屋檐下的小孩 Lil'benny 当然这名字是有意识的.. 现在的心情可以用两个字形容 - 开心
昨天才考完 math2 n micro 晚上就和朋友hang到很夜才回..而山鸡(yue)本来约了今早一起回TanahPutih拿SPM文凭的..可是看他现在可能还在睡觉... -.-" 现在是半年考了。说真的,压力很大;老实的,老子不是读书的料。尤其是数学更没眼看,而pa方面这次应该很难拿到甲等... 半年考后试考也跟着来了...然后就会考了.. -.-" 偶尔会问问自己,如果会考考不好,后果会是什么呢?0.o"
Girls like to ask : WHY GUY LOVE DoTA
for me
Tf's !@#$% ppl ; Pw's Imba Instruction
Cm never win still die die Cm vf other clan
expecting new strategic/combo no matter where we are what we doing
YES, we found the enjoyment in it.
15 May 2009
爱 与 信任
没有信任 可以开始感情
但 不能保持这段感情的真实
信任 是 建立在人品和能力的基础上。
爱 是 建立在感情基础上的。
相反,她爱你 并不代表你就能够被信任。
婚姻的过程可能是把 爱的人改造成信任的人,
或者把 信任的人改变成相爱的人。
两个人相处 空间的把握是一种 艺术,完全的放任不管不问是 不负责任,
Sabs Lower6 Orientation
There is some challenging games set by the Sixer club for the lower six forms today.
Activity started at around 8am with team presentation & roll call then follow by the games. There was 8 station set, public speaking, iron man, golden finger, spiderweb, general knowledge and so on.......
after the games, there is a short break den continue vf chicken dance.... haha~! it was damn funnY!
and here is some pic ~ (copy from kerina's blog)
i will upload when i get those pic.. =)
HOpe the lower6 really enjoyed the games =)
1.My Name : Benny Chai Quan Zong
2.My Birthday : 03/02/1990
3.Who tagged you : qiaoyi
4.Name 5 best friends: Imba'gangz, SUDC's gangz, Tp debate group's gangz, SABS's gangz, Chicken's gangz
5.What do you wished for birthday: Health, wealth
6.Happy things that happened recently : B&C (if u know)
7.Most stressed about recently : STPM~!! 0.o""""
8.What is your dream about future : Become 有钱佬
9.Do you have someone you like : Of course lar... xD
10.Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : Sure lar~~~!
11.Most happy to hang out with : Gangz
12.If two of your friends were having conflicts : never think of it...
13.Where is preferably the place to go with your lover :as long as vf her... hehe..
14.What to do in Christmas : dancing party`~
15.Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with :vf family? friend?
16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : wad its mean?
17.How many siblings do you have : 4
18.Favourite song(Female) : 陳綺貞 - 魚 (recently)
19.Favourite song(Male) : 方大同- love song (recently)
20.Favourite Colour : White, pink, purple, blue
21.Flush before using the toilets? : really waste water lur~~ xD
22.Love me not? : huh??
23.Affectionate to guys or girls : guy den girls... xD
24.What do you wants to shout out loudly : nvr think about it 0.o""
25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : Im a boy k.... = =
26.Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : ??????????
27.Who's the bastard : Mr。Lam Zi Chiong / Ham Sap Ching
28.What's the current affection : C Wei
29.Sleeps uglily :yes, if u really know me
30.Whats the time now : 6.59pm
31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : NO. for sure
32.Weight : hehez... let u guess..... =p
33.Weather today : sunny?? duno... stay in the room fer whole day ady....
34.Are you pregnant : I dunwan be the berita harian headline tomorrow.... = =
35.What will you do if you win a lottery : BIG house BIG car BIG shop.. and of course charity
36.An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : Still In Pre-U,.. LOl
?People Tagged?[Spreading the bad karma... ...]
1.qiao yi
4. hanson 侄儿
5. grace
10. tlj
01-?Does no.4 know no.6??: ya
02-?No.10 is a male or female?? : female
03-? The hobby of no.8?: Dance + Dota
04-?Does no. 1 have any siblings?: 1..... if not mistaken.. haha
05-?The surname of of no.7?:jean jean??
06-?Does no.10 have alot of friends??: huh~ i guess so...
07-?Anyone tackling no.4??: Hahaha~~~!!! Ask Him la.. haha
08-?If no.2 is being introduced??:dunno
09-?The favourite colour of no.6?:erm.. blue?
12-?Where is no.5 studying currently??: Smart
13-?How do you know no.10??: in a charity dinner
14-?Whats the difference between the birthmonth of no.1 and you??: this hard... LOl/~~~
15-?Ever hang out with no.9??: yes... for debate activity
16-?Do you like to chat with no.2??: Sure..she's my 中国妈..hahaa.....
17-?Like to be with no.3??:YUp~
18-?How do you think about no.7??: erm..... a best god sis ever.. haha
19-?How do you think about no.9??: HMm.....a very ood a responsible junior.. haha..
20-?Do you love no.5??: = = ... yes, friends love... haha
1.Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : qiao yi
2.How long have you known him/her : 2009!!!! few months ago...
3.Do you think that he/she is important to you? : sure.. everyone is important fer me...
4.Your relationship with him/her : hmmm... relative? haha~~ i m her jie fu
5.Whats his/hers hobby?: Hmm... i jus know her fer few month... 0.o""
6.What do you think about his/her personality?: Friendly?? active?
7.His/her points of importance in your heart : how to measure?? 0.o"" xD
*1st thing before sleep : Hav a goodnight call vf dar dar?
*1st thing after awaking from sleep : read dar dar msg... she sure woke up ealier than me =.=""
*Your idol : Alot lo.. LOl.....
*Favourite season : Spring
*Worked part-time before?: Mummy shop count anot? xD 耀记鸭面.. =p
*Times worked : 3am till 12pm every sunday
*Country that wanted to go most :Paris
*personality hated : Backstabber
*Are you a crybaby? : yes also dunwan tell u lar.. xD
*You laugh alot?: yea~~ sure...
*Do you like to go out alone?: NO solo~~!im not peiwen... =p (dun let him saw this.. xD)
*What time you wake up if it was a holiday?: ngiak ngiak... nonid wake up.. xD
*Today's weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Sunny
*Choose between Friends and Lover : half half
*Choose between Chances and Fates: half half
*Are you narcissist? : haha... view my friendster profile picture den u know.. xD
*Is this questionnaire long? : SiBeh long.... "thx qiaoyi" = =
*How to make yourself feel better every time? : SLEEP, call dar dar....
*Favourite food : mummy'cook
*Do you like ice?: yup~!
*Are you full of happiness?: Yup!
*Which are the friends that you cared the most?: All...
*Whats the most important item in your bed room?: Air cond / Pillow
*Most consistent dream at sleep: duno~ i sleep like pig.... xD
*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient?: sure lo...
*Whats the meaning of life?: Life is short, Enjoy every second every moment
*Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): u tot Im not jesus.. ? = =
*When do you hate me? : no.. y i hate u.. = =
*Like the day you were born or been into the society?: nope. just always hits the holiday =D
*Like Taoism or Confucianism? : both~ more to Confucianism 儒家学说
*Favourite cake?: cakes baked by mummy and 5yipo.. xD
*Do you like sardins? : Yup...
*Who knows you the best?: Hmm.. many lO.. i nvr keep secret
*IQ higher or EQ?: IEQ!! xD
*Computer or Mobile Phone: Computer of course
*Friendster or Facebook?: both
*Whats your wish right now?: finish this tag asap~~!!! = =
*Tired? : Definately~!!!
*Favourite drinks: alot.... = =
*What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you?: grrrr........... !@#$%^&~~~ ...now ady 8.01pm... i started it at 6.59pm= =
1 。多喝水。
2 。吃早餐就像一个国王,午餐像王子,晚餐像乞丐。
3 。吃更多生长在树和植物上的食物,少吃工厂制造的食物。
4 。生活在3E Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.(能源,热情,和同情。)
5 。腾出时间祈祷。
6 。玩更多的游戏。
7 。读更多的书
8 。每一天静坐至少10分钟。
9 。7小时睡眠。
10 。每天步行10-30分钟。走的时候要带着微笑。
11 。不要将您的生活跟他人比较
因为你不会知道 他们的人生旅程是怎样的。
12 。对你无法控制的东西 不要有消极的想法。
相反的 要把它转为积极的动力。
13 。不要做得过分。保持您的极限。
14 。不要过分认真。没有人会这样。
15 。不要浪费您的宝贵精力 在 闲话上。
16 。清醒时做多一点梦。
17 。嫉妒是在浪费时间。您已经有您所需要的。
18 。忘记过去的问题。不要提醒您的另一半,他/她
19 。生命太短,讨厌任何人是在浪费时间。别恨他人。
20 。不要顾虑曾经,才不会破坏现在。
21 。没人负责你的幸福,除了你。
22 。认识到生命是学校 而 你是在这里学习。问题仅仅是课程的一部分 会像代数类班消失,但你学习的将用上一辈子。
23 。更多的笑容和笑声。
24 。您不需赢得每一个的论点 用认同来反对。
25 。请常常给您的家人 打电话。
26 。每天都把好的东西让他人。
27 。原谅一切。
28 。花费时间在 年龄超过70 &6岁以下 的人士。
29 。一天至少让3个人微笑。
30 。别人对你的看法 并不关你的事。
31 。你生病时 你的工作不会照顾你。可你的
家人 朋友会。所以 - 保持联络。
32 。做正确的事情!
33 。摆脱东西是没有用的,美丽与欢乐才重要。
34 。神医治一切。
35 。不管好还是坏,它都会改变。
36 。不管您感觉如何,站起来,让大家知道。
37 。最好的还在后头。
38 。当你醒来的早晨还活着,感谢上帝了。
39 。内在最重要的是开心。所以 ,要开心。
40 。请回转给您所关心的人。
这原是英文版的 现翻译成华语 方便lemon一族阅读.....赫赫~~~~ =)
distance distance
then let it keep our hearts from wander.
Make me strong and build thyself,
fix thy faults and lift mine health.
Thy actions strange and not of old,
for what is meant may be foretold.
Look deeper to the fold of reason,
betwixt the mode that makes our treason.
Help me see what hurt I bear to thee,
for love and life with you I see.
Within thyself, an instrument of gold,
most dear to me, myself, you hold.
'Tis what you seek, and I of you.
Make this your heart and key to true
love and freedom from our woes of fear.
For you, my love, I hold most dear.
13 May 2009
YIPO 18's birthdays
venue: SABS classroom
this is a amazing picture a took at my school after 20 minute raining...
the drain was flood... swt.. =.="
SUDC new logo (sample)
herE is some sample logo design from SUDC graphic designer_chee fei for SUDC (latest design) comment please.. ^^
thx kaofu cheefei... xD
10 May 2009
Dream catcher - Bandari VS 陳綺貞 - 魚
Dream catcher - Bandari
陳綺貞 - 魚
我坐在椅子上 看日出復活
我坐在夕陽里 看城市的衰弱
我摘下一片葉子 讓它代替我
曾經 狂奔 舞蹈 貪婪的說話
帶不走的 丟不掉的 讓大雨侵蝕吧
別讓我飛 將我溫柔豢養
我坐在椅子上 看日出復活
我坐在夕陽里 看城市的衰弱
我摘下一片葉子 讓它代替我
曾經 狂奔 舞蹈 貪婪的說話
讓他捧著我在手掌 自由自在揮灑
原諒我飛 曾經眷戀太陽
別讓我飛 將我環繞
原諒我飛 曾經眷戀太陽
原諒我飛 曾經眷戀太陽
07 May 2009
06 May 2009
执中学长 的 一股微妙的客氣在蔓延
这是 执中学长 的 一股微妙的客氣在蔓延 中的一段句子
执中学长的部落格总会有很多令人回味的的好文章 而这也是其中之一 - 一股微妙的客氣在蔓延
的确,对刚刚点评了丹那不爹中学校内半决赛的我 这篇文章给我带来了感触
丹那不爹的校内赛 请来的评判 多是学长或老师 ' 每当主席跑來問「請問待會哪一位裁判要先講評?」的時候,裁判間都會有一股微妙的客氣在蔓延。"往往大家都会 说 [cincai 啦,都可以]
说实在的 现在很多比赛都是 采纳多元裁判制 如果说应论辈分順序点评 谁才算是其中的最长辈呢
另一个问题 是往往发生在比较小型的赛事 裁判本身也许素质不高 为了充数或某些原因而当上了裁判 这往往对出炉的成绩造成一定的影响
一个主观的裁判 或 一个没有主见的裁判 不会是个好裁判
几年前很多人不认识丹那不爹 而我们往往都会遇上一些主观裁判而止步 所以[主观裁判]对我有着深刻的坏印象 [没有主见的裁判] 是在我当了学长评过了比赛 发现的 只会跟从其他人的意见的评判 对赛果会有着很大的影响
裁判講評的順序应当让有能力者先说 因為先講評的內容大家聽的最專心,越往後講,聽眾就越累。每一场的裁判 都会有一位比较对评辩赛有经验裁判 本人觉得点评可以的话都给有经验的资深前辩手评 辩手通常可以保持 客观看待事物 对赛事比较了解 知识也相对较广 而资深前辩手都是经验丰富者 会比较成熟 与 客观理智
一股微妙的客氣在蔓延最后一句是 :
当然执中学长有这样的本事,那我们呢?唯有 等
04 May 2009
To Enwei
By lemon Benny.. =x tell me if there is any mistake~~~
这是一个再做人的时刻。一个正常的人。太多的事件发生。在我们的生活,大片雨水的流入让晴朗的天空变成灰色了。只是一个人是不容易的。周 围的人闪烁来回。的生活方式并不需要这样。痛苦的酷刑,虚荣,都在一个法术伤害。它为什么会来到这样一个阶段?人家不熟悉的面孔盯着你。你不再是你。您的理智去了哪里?
生活方式不应该如何。有这么多现在怎样?几时才会结束?这个虚拟战争的生活。在一个时候,有些人会说出真正的自己,忠实于你的心,这是我们通常 听到的。但它如何出现?对对... ...对...这些我们都知道,听到。只有当您在深谷,这些看起来都如此削弱。
什么是一个正常的人?所有事情都尽职尽责?听从上司命令?对所有人友好?不在后面说人坏话人或重伤人家 ?像电影中的女孩?一个没有人发现,安静与和平的生活?只当有必要才说话?毕竟说和做,人仍然是人。一个人的性质总是存在的。