23 April 2009

SushI King promotion

Sushi King having promotion for member card holder since Monday 13/4/2009, and it last for 4days until Thursday 16/4/2009~~ there's only RM2 per plate~!
I went with classmates on the 2nd days of the promotion, there is Ah Boo, Enwei, MissPhua, HuiSen and me~~!

And herE is some pic, take a lOOk~~

The Kuantan Sushi King TOWER

Kuantan Sushi King Twins TOWER

We sat 2 whole hours just for this...

Altogether we ate 62 plates. Here's the analysis.
Miss Phua - 5 plates
Benny - 13 plates
Hui Sen - 14 plates
Enwei & Ah Boo - 15 plates!!!!! (terrible... 0.o"""" )

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