03 April 2008

Hip Hop

-the real hiphOp-
HipHop is a MusiCal genrE dat emErged in tHe latE 1970's from the uRbaN AfricaN AmericaN commniTy. It is a musicaL forM composeD of rappinG (spokeN worD) over musiC. thE mentalitY of Hip hop is groundeD in thE feelinGs of angeR and hoplessnesS oveR thE problems of moderN urbaN lifE. FoR many blacK Americans, hip hop haS becum the tool vf whicH to critiquE thE statE of AmericaN affairS in whicH thE establishmenT of whitE americaN haS systematicalLy denied black ppL oF fundamentaL righTs. HiphOp is thuS a toOl for social, political anD economiC changE. Although noT all hIPhOp artists speaK oF thiS statE of affairS in theiR musiC, iT shoulD be remmebereD tat all "reaL" hip hoP artisTs vf credibilitY amonG theiR peers come from thiS backgroUnD. Although hiphoP comes from a negativES worlD view of ppl's situatiOns, it must be seen as A forcE for positivE changE- at least in thE minDs of thE artists and their listeners.

1 comment:

Musician Wannabe ♫ said...

Hey, Joanne Aw here. Damn long dy since I last met u. Nyways, link me aight. I'll link u later =)