28 June 2009






yes, im moody today...


but i still keeping my promise
im always there...

when u need me

and thx fer ur understanding.


20 June 2009

Bye Virus Fever


病毒 : viral fever
小子 : benny 仔

Saturday Sunday busy with the F&N roadshow and ECM battle. It's damn tired but i still went to school seem its the 1st schooling days after a 2weeks holidays. I started feeling not well after the 1st recess. The weather is hot and im headache = = so before 2.30pm i already leave school.

Noon i lepak with my girl and schoolmates at K&Ykopitiam before we go Queena. At there i found my skin full of red dots, its rash i think. And Enwei had sent me to the nearer hospital.

Fever, rash, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue..almost all the signs and symptoms of H1N1 i also kena d.. =.=" omg..

It take me an hour wait for the doctor even that's only 2patient.. bloodtest done and im suspected kena a desease, called viral fever... =.=" duno wth is that.. the doc gave me 5type of medicine and told me go back hospital after 4days.

4days later(yesterday) i went bac hospital and took the 2nd times bloodtest.. yea, doc said the situation is better and i will be recover after few days...

*thx god*

我的血my blood 0.o""

what is virus fever?
A special type of fever that develops and then gets treated without the offending virus being specifically identified.

Headaches, body aches and a skin rash characteristic most of these viral fevers.
They require only symptomatic treatment. but some are highly contagious and can can progress rapidly leading to death

How long do they last?
It is noteworthy at this point the famous saying 'a viral fever usually gets treated in 7 days with medications and in a week without any'

What are the precautions that one must take ?
Cough is usually not a good sign and chest infections caused by bacteria (like pneumonia) are quite common. Therefore, doctor would normally prescribe some antibiotics which strictly are not indicated in viral fevers and they are known to cause more harm than good unless absolutely indicated.

*i just write what i know. More about viral fever, search webhealthcentre

Facebook : 性格测试 測驗

Benny 已參加 性格测试 測驗,結果是 顽强个性


尽管生活是有崎区挫折, 但你总有办法克服, 顺利渡过! 你遭遇过的措折比一般人多. 你曾经接触过一些难相处的人, 没道理的规定和不和谐的人际关系. 你对爱情的态度就像太阳表面一般热情高温. 当你被很多烦人的事困扰的时候, 你要不就是非常镇定的静观其变, 要不就是以领导者的姿态出现叫大家都闭嘴! 你觉得一个人去看电影没什么大不了. 反而想不通为什么有些人非要有人陪 才肯去看电影. 你感到自在, 不论是一个人独处或处在人群当中. 你对你的父母不很满意但又无法改变他们. 你会是个很好的情人. 如果你能在万人之中找到和你极为相配的人. 不然的话, 你和恋人的关系总是不能持久或痛苦结束. 你可能已经和一个你并不爱的人在一起太久了. 生活就像在坐云霄飞车一样, 你总是想尽办法让生活过得更加如你所愿. 你要不就是个运动迷, 要不你就曾经嚐试过禁药.


18 June 2009

♥JïNe ShïeИ♥静娴 の 世界 [promote]

To jine shien

Didn't know you are a blogger as well.. Actually i am doing PA folio now, just log in my blog and saw your msg. Well, today have ntg special to post, so.......seem i just get your blog's link..then an idea come to my brain- promote your blog... haha... 1st time promote friend blog, lOL...

Her name is jine shien, chinese name 静娴.
She is my classmate in form6 sabs
How to describe her? [Active+Funny+Friendly]
If u like her, pay her a visit... =)

I meet a gay

It's two weeks ago, a night in subang, when i'm using pin yang's computer for ffs. A guy come and chat with me. I remember he started the conversation by asking me about a games, and he told me that he same age same school with me. but then he suddenly asked me some weird question =.=" :

xxx = The guy (i change his name to xxx ady..respect)
Benny = It's me...


Lol.. Yeah..

Now quitted

I wanna ask you something

Lol.. Yeah..

You interested In Men and Women?

Means you're Bisexual? Sorry curious

11:49pm xxx

Lol sorry - -

wad happen

u are bisexual?
11:50pm xxx

I'm asking you - -

Why you ask me back?

y ask me this weird question
11:50pm xxx

Okay okay.. I admit I'm gay..

I saw your Info

That you put you're interested in men and women..

I thought you'll like women or men..

Bisexual = can go with women or men..


Sorry to make you blur..


i understand

its ok
11:52pm xxx

So you're Bi?




im normal, sorry = =


*sampai sini cukup dah... I jus copy paste one part only >.<

LMao =.=""


17 June 2009

翊雯和慧敏版的 牛顿

牛顿再世不知会不会给她们冷到.. 0.o"'""
( 不要说我没帮你promote你的blog, xD)

来~看下翊雯版的牛顿 0.o""


接下来是我朋友说的,慧敏版的牛顿 ~

孩子啊~ 你知道吗?
以前有个人叫牛顿, 他偷了个苹果,他向大家说了这件事,大家都不怪他,都原谅了他~所谓知错能改,善莫大焉!

读后感 :非常的.....捏到........... 冷 0.o" 有被吗? xD

14 June 2009

04 June 2009



这一次BOTY之旅 确实学到了很多很多东西
所看到的 听到的 触到的 感受到的 这全都是收获 全都是很好的经验
当然 要谢谢妈咪的支持 subang朋友的照应 才使这一次的BOTY之旅完美结束

朋友的队伍-FamousCrew 虽在半决赛止步,但他们的演出却真的IMBA - 赞!
BOTY Malaysia 2009 FamousCrew

02 June 2009

BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 4rd day morning

wake up at noon... LOL~!!!! 

Ntg special about yerterday. Morning breakfast vf fai, wai loon then go bac sleep sleep and sleep. Too tired ady... go FTZ 2 round, spend alot money there 0.o"" hav dinner at KFC... Lol... hav ntg to write ady....

my BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip 4th days

01 June 2009

BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 3rd day morning

Wake up at 8 sometime and same, others are still sleeping.. Efai and WaiLoon is in da house but yao is not here last night, he went bac to his house ady last night.

Here is the result for BOTY MALAYSIA 2009
Best Show - Giller Battle Crew (GBC)
Best Bboy - Bboy_KINOBU
BOTY Champion - Giller Battle Crew (GBC)
1st runner up - Wakaka Fever
I really get alot of fun and exp here.. Bboy_Kinobu is really freaking crazy PRO,  he is only 16 this year and still "single"(not belong to any crew) Bboy_Jen cant defend his champion but the battle between him and KinoBu really nice..

Among the crew battle, GBC skill is really best compare with other team, especially the elbow hip was perfectly done by Bboy_juicy at the end of the battle between GBC & Wakaka Fever. 
Famous stop at the semi but they was perform well, love their teamwork, their skills and the most - their bboy spirit. Respect them! the battle between famous and wakaka fever was the best ever. 

And there is a call out battle by bboy_easy to bboy_suicide while waiting for the result. I not really know wat happen but bboy_easy seem really angry, and they gonna settle it in the bboy way... LOlx... the mc keep on remind them "no touching no fighting" But he seem quick worry they will fight. There is no judge between this battle, no win and no lose, but of course easy is better than suicide, suicide look damn kek sui lur..

After the result was announced, we straight away balik subang, really beh tahan, sibeh tired~ All terus fall to the bed once reached home and sleep till 9 something ( no one had bath 0.o") 10.30pm, went to lorong vf tf, yao and nien, den go home ggc one round with ww tf nien and xuan. 
