27 February 2009

Im not B-boy anymore?

I wrote this after feb last training...

A B-boy or B-girl is a person devoted to the culture of hip-hop, who participates in the dance style of breakdancing or breaking. The term "b-boy" originally referred to the name of the people who danced during a DJ's drum break
b-boying is a street dance style that evolved as part of the hip hop movement

Four basic elements form the foundation of B-boying:

  1. Toprock: the upright dancing and shuffles that B-boys do when they enter a circle.
  2. Downrock: the footwork, or dance steps performed on the floor.
  3. Freeze: poses thrown into dance routines that add punctuation to certain beats and sometimes end a set.
  4. Power moves: acrobatic moves of circular motions involving spinning on the floor or in the air.

That's mean, if im bboy, i should pro in these element~~


toprock is a major element of b-boying. It generally refers to any string of steps performed from a standing position, relying upon a mixture of coordination...flexibility... rhythm...and most importantly--->style
ya, im a styler..but
honestly, i din well train my toprock after leave kuantan last yrs..
compare to 2008, now really very very noob ady..


downrock is an element of breakdance that includes all footwork performed on the floor. In downrock, the breakdancer displays his or her proficiency with foot speed and control by performing footwork combinations.
well, my speed and my downrock skill lame now...
i can't even do a fast creative 6 step now... >.<

A freeze is a breakdance technique that involves halting all body motion, often in an interesting or balance-intensive position.
spin are often combined with freezes. Various handstand ("inverts", "Nikes", and "pikes") can be frozen

ya, as a stylist bboy, this element is one of the importants tecnique dat i hav to master it very very very gooD..

view my ex breaking pic, most of them is freezing move, but now, i cant even do a perfect 7 ... LOl... big joke right? but its true... >.<

4.Power moves

powermove are some of the flashiest and most impressive elements of breakdance.

The three most widely recognized power moves are the swipe, windmill, flare... but no one i can do... Lol.. holos, air track lagi nonid say lar...

These breaks often require incredible upper-bodysrength, proprioception, and flexibility to complete.

MalaysiA ex bboy crew - [W]uze -Kuantan Champion

calling myself a bboy, mayb really malukan bboy.. xD

normal footstep plus some basic freeze spin mayb i still able to do so,

but if wan me to go fer battle.... xD

no eye see ah...

= =""



婆婆前天回 IPOH 了..自从婆婆骂kakak骂到妈妈都不敢雇请kakak后,家里的家务都是婆婆一手包办的(她超喜欢做家务的咯,我家地上一天不懂要抹多少次...imba~~)现在婆婆不在,又没有kakak,吃了饭的碗到我洗了,衣我收,风扇我抹......0.o"chiayee 以前整天说我少爷不做家务,其实也不是啊>.<" 有婆婆kakak的时候也是有做的叻..(少一点罢了...hehe) 说起来很旧没见她了,其实每个礼拜都想去看下她和zboy,还有老师啊..很想念cute cute 的 zboy 叻~~




也许如今的我早已经是街边的Ah Beng, Lala仔 Si Ham 仔了~~


If u realLy love that people

> > If you love something very very much....
> >
> >
> >
> > Let it go free!!!...
> >
> >
> >
> > If it doesnt come back...
> >
> >
> >
> > It means it does not belong to you...
> >
> >
> >
> > If it does, Please love it forever!....

miss you~~

26 February 2009

NecklacE is bacK~~!! wUhu~~

NecklacE is bacK~~!! wUhu~~

imba imba~~~ xD finally it came bac to me also... Hu lala~~~ xD
luckily the coach saw it and kept fer me.. if not... >.< mamamiya~~~ sibeh hapPy ady..~~
Thx, sir.foong and also the prefect who pass the necklace to me.. thx thx thx~~~~!! muackz~~!! xD

24 February 2009

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw**

SUDC's Birthday [20june2008]

Friendster Profile - http://profiles.friendster.com/sudc
SUDC msn forum - group289635@msnzone.cn


**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw** ™ is a dance grouP..

This group is also create 4 a purpose,
is just to get all the dancers together and share their experience...
In this DaNcErZ group, is also a place 4 all dancers to come about,
and share wat u can do...

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**


**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**
Latest Organisation Chart

*some of the **ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw** member*

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**
Graphic Design'grouP

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**
2009 flyer
(latest design)

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™**
1st performance
Edwin, RyaniE, BennY, Cwei, Bubu, ElinG

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw™** RoCk

For more please visit our profile or youtube
and welcome to our msn chatroom

**ѕоцL•цNi†з dancE Cязw**
2009 is coming...........
i'll try to blog everything about it

23 February 2009


成员: Ang, Ang 嫂, HuiLing, 奕婆, 紫菱, Lion Chong,惠芬,billy,小鱼 和我

3am billy 就敲我房门了... 昏,那时真的很累...拿了东西就到妈妈店和其他人会合,

吃了我们就到billy家集合便出发了... 一路上都没有车,还蛮爽的... (ops,我的cd还在Ang 的saga...)

我 们到林名山脚时大概是4.30am 吧..准备好了我们就开始上山咯~~ 还是第一次..说真的还蛮累的咯..都是楼梯,可是都很高...到高处的时候有扶手,可是因为雾水,扶手都很湿很滑....我们的速度还蛮慢的咯,那些女 的爬一下就停一下.. = = imba 到.... 说高也不会很高啦...谈下谈下我们就到了山顶了... wuhu~~~~~!一路上Billy一直骗huiling:要到了,真的要到了...! (这句话说了应该多过10次咯...Lol)

这时候都还很早,我们就躺在那里看星星...今晚有流星啊~!Lion他们看到两三次...0.o"" (有没有)Imba... 那时我在想,可能我没那么幸运..看他们许愿我却只可以收在心理...GrrrrRr..
看星真的很浪漫.. >.<

Imba 的是我好像看到了流星,不管它三七二十一,快快许愿... 呵呵....今晚真的很爽咯~~
可惜的是我们看不到日出,太多云了...haiz~~~ 可是附近的风景都很imba美啊~~!还是第一次看哦~我还拍了几张照..超美咯... 拍到电话都没电了... Imba.. ..>.<

(pic will be upload soon)

看什么看。。 XD 忙着拍照this only wad we call jungle tracking.. xD
*ang brought us to this small road

Imba的是很多久朋友都上来了... 还包括leeyee,振超,chuangChiang 一伙人... (他们一直将我肥了很多...T.T.....可是这是事实啊...没关系~~我会努力减肥的!~~ wuhu~

天亮后我们就下山咯...半路上一直拍照咯...尤其是奕婆,拍给不停~~糟的是我的电话没电....! @#$%^&~~

哪条路斜到imba~~! 又窄又小..= ="""还有spider...
IMba Imba~~~~昏...
最炸到的是,这路到最后是回到第一条路的,而不是另一个exit.. omg~~
结果是那些女的慢慢走都快过我们,我们却还一直滑倒... LOL
也许这才叫真正的爬山嘛... 呵呵...

我和billy share 山水醸料..很特别咯..这里的人用的都是山水...
一流好吃... >.<

以前爸爸还在世的时候还有去瀑布的...>.< 在瀑布游泳和swimingPool游真的很大分别.. 这里的石头真的多到...imba..结果弄伤了左脚拇指...= ="" 大概到了11点多我们就收工回家了.... (一来我有irene的补习,二来天也黑了) 回到家的时候都12.30了..
冲了凉就跑去7eleven帮cwei topup..
msg 了 LitweI 叫她帮我拿 note 后我就再休息咯...真的累死了...

就爽的还是躺着看星星那一刻~~~ Wuhu~~~


AQUARIUS - Does It In The Water
Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being in long-term relationships. Can be clumsy at times but tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy, and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when their not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more then their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter, But will Knock your lights out.

水瓶座(阳历1月20日 - 2月18日出生者)

why guys like girls

Here are a few reasons
why guys like girls:

1. They will always smell good even if its just shampoo

2. The way their heads always find the right spot on our shoulder

3. How cute they look when they sleep

4. The ease in which they fit into our arms

5. The way they kiss you and all of a sudden everything is right in the world

6. How cute they are when they eat

7. The way they take hours to get dressed but in the end it makes it all worth while

8. Because they are always warm even when its minus 30 outside

9. The way they look good no matter what they wear

10. The way they fish for compliments even though you both know that you think she's the most beautiful thing on this earth

11. How cute they are when they argue

12. The way her hand always finds yours

13. The way they smile

14. The way you feel when you see their name on the call ID after you just had a big fight

15. The way she says 'lets not fight anymore' even though you know that an hour later....

16. The way they kiss when you do something nice for them

17. The way they kiss you when you say 'I love you'

18. Actually ... just the way they kiss you...

19. The way they fall into your arms when they cry

20. Then the way they apologize for crying over something that silly

21. The way they hit you and expect it to hurt

22. Then the way they apologize when it does hurt. (even though we don't admit it)!

23. The way they say 'I miss you'

24. The way you miss them

25.The way their tears make you want to change the world so that it doesn't hurt her anymore..... Yet regardless if you love them, hate them, wish they would die or know that you would die without them ... it matters not.
Because once in your life, whatever they were to the world they become everything to you. When you look them in the eyes, traveling to the depths of their souls and you say a million things without trace of a sound, you know that your own life is inevitable consumed within the rhythmic beatings of her very heart.
We love them for a million reasons,
No paper would do it justice.
It is a thing not of the mind but of the heart.
A feeling.Only felt.

21 February 2009

I lost my necklace... gRrrrR...

Really....really.....really....!@#$% fark .....

REally realLy down now~~

I joined a valley ball friendly match this afternoon, vs smkap and smktp team..
The coach ask me to take down my ring necklace, therefore i put it on my bag(not in bag), and my bag was in the proton saga that time, it's din's car by faizul drive it..
they went back earlier than me, when i want to home that time only realize my ring necklace was in the car.. but i cant contact din and also faizuL now~~ i m damn worry worry worry worry worry and worry...

DaMn sad lar today........... haiz.. wtf......... If someone saw it please return it to me...
There's no problem if u wan me to pay you, just offer me that price... I just to get back that ring necklace...
That ring necklace cost not much, but it's really really very very very very super hpyer extreme Important for me... really fark man...... haiz..... namo o li toufat .... Hope i can get bac dat ring asap... and i wont wear it anymore.... Actually not 1st time i lost it ady, but this time i hav a bad feeling.. touch wood touch wood....>.<

*if cant found it bac also nvm ady.... because something is more important than dat..
at least tat necklace had follow me since long long long time ago... hugs..

20 February 2009

What I Love About You

What I Love About You

I love the way you look at me,
Your eyes so bright and blue.
I love the way you kiss me,
Your lips so soft and smooth.

I love the way you make me so happy,
And the ways you show you care.
I love the way you say, "I Love You,"
And the way you're always there.

I love the way you touch me,
Always sending chills down my spine.
I love that you are with me,
And glad that you are mine.

19 February 2009

A Special World

A Special World

A special world for you and me
A special bond one cannot see
It wraps us up in its cocoon
And holds us fiercely in its womb.

Its fingers spread like fine spun gold
Gently nestling us to the fold
Like silken thread it holds us fast
Bonds like this are meant to last.

And though at times a thread may break
A new one forms in its wake
To bind us closer and keep us strong
In a special world, where we belong.


灰兔說:“想知道,就讓哥高興高興!”。 ......
黑兔說:“想知道,就讓哥高興高興!”。 ......



note : im not hamsup, i jus COPY n PASTE.. 0.0""

17 February 2009

Finally get my valentine's presenT~~

14th have been known as valentine's day, a time beloved of romantics. thx for ur present.. hugs.

(pic'll be post soon.....)

Making Valentines

In February, what shall I do?
I'll make some valentines for you.
The first will have a cupid's face;
The second will be trimmed with lace.
The third will have some roses pink;
The fourth will have a verse in ink.
The fifth will have a ribbon bow;
The sixth will glisten like the snow.
The seventh will have some lines I drew;
The eighth, some flowers--just a few.
The ninth will have three little birds;
The tenth will have three little words:


We got to design our life

How many times have you heard the question,
"What do you want to be when you grow up?"

As a teenager i tend to hear this question a lot, but you have probably heard it since you were five years old. It is often connected to questions like, "Where do you want to go to college?" and "What will be your major?" and "What are you good at?"

Sometimes i may also ask myself the same questions. "What am I going to do with my life?" Someone said, that is a good thing, and im in a position of incredible power when i ask myself questions like, "Who am I?" and "Who do I want to become?" He told me, im the only person who can answer these questions. And I got to choose exactly who I will become in the future.

We can pick almost any answer to the question, "Who do I want to become?" at this point in our life, and we are in a unique position to make it happen.

I always hope to design my life completely from scratch.

Unlucky day 倒霉的一天

昨天真的倒霉到爆。。 首先当然要先第一个谢谢我那个那么“有用”的孪生哥哥还有少不了我的叔叔妈妈..、
昨天一早9点多就吵醒我,,哥哥就打来说irene叫我10.30去补习,教normal distribution...

10点15分我到了补习附近常去的那餐馆,刚好那时是他们的break time,我join了他们一起吃早餐,
10点半就上去irene的班。。炸到的是大家都以很奇怪的眼观看着我。。 = = 没看过我吗?? grrr。。。

就这样补了2个小时normal distribution… 朋友全部回了,mathS 的学生也陆续来到了.. (原来matchS比mathT的学生少有一半)
其实我Ponteng了mathS很久,今天第一天上课。。。 LOL。。。。~!!!
就这样,接着4小时的mathS… 0.o 真的要呕了!@#$%^&*
breaktime 还好有goh和小明他们陪,不然我会闷死..


路过galing出名的炸鸡摊,闻到香味…想到婆婆喜欢吃炸鸡,就转个U TURN去买了几块鸡才回家…
imba的是,我的jaguh竟然在stadium前的大红灯死火!!!!原因:没油了。。 walauye.. 没瘾到...
fish sei~~~ >.<
namo namo... noone heLppppPP miiiIiiii~~~~~~~~!!

于是我就打给阿妈..才知道昨天啊妈才给他油钱…. = = 真的想问那些钱去哪里了?


啊妈在忙。。结果还是我推到去油站~~1km… >.< 气到我没话讲.. 到了油站打了油到电箱有问题,还是要等到7点… 救星才到~~~ 3233~~~!!


没用的哥哥.. 油钱他拿,打油却2个一起打….什么道理??!

imba 倒霉到没话讲…

16 February 2009

sabs 高六A2 的出席率

The school only reopen two months, let us take a look at my class's cuti letter..

imba??? xD Unimaginable..

Today, my classmate boo did not come to school... and today is only the first day of exam week ler 0.o geng moU??? xD (like I used to, last yr, ha ha)
After home i msg and ask him why ponteng, u guess wad his reply was...?

"coz i wan be absent king lo..."

My class....really imba~~ =.=

Last saturday was hari sekolah ganti. If not mistaken, others form attendance rate not less than 80%, but uppper6 form is only 70% students attended... xD
Gpk sibeh angry lur today... LOL.....


还有business paper 2...


今天还ok,muet writing 和 business paper 1.. 至少会做咯。。。呵呵。。。
可是我没去补考mathS.. 因为和business paper 1 撞时间。。。

15 February 2009

lonely 14feb

valentine's day jus pass...
this day, im alone, and i din hang out with my girl.. we din celebrate valentine's day..
Imba is, i make her angry..kinda kek sui right?? but dat's my fault also lar..
i think i reli a failure lar....>.<
and yet, she said something dat i reli don't like... anywer, it's okie...
jus hope dat she can forgive me soon...
whole day sit infront of my comp, facebook, friendster, blog, hotmail...jus bz to make a update for my profile, especially my blog, a dead blog.. Lol..
this is mY 14feb for 2009... Imba right??

hopE u enjoy ur valentine's present.. ^^

14 February 2009

""life is not perfect but you can bring it closer 2 perfection if you believe,have faith,love and don't let the past haunt you.."

You learn to love, not by finding a
perfect person,
but by learning to see an imperfect person
" Sometimes the best and the most
things in the world cannot be seen,
cannot be
touched, but can be felt in the heart "

""life is not perfect but you can bring it closer 2 perfection if you believe,have faith,love and don't let the past haunt you.."

WHY DO PPL WRITE BLOG? if can pls drop me ur comment ^^

Blogging is popular, we have to admit. some people might have interesting topic, and they wan us to know them, some do it for the comments to their articles. It’s a form of communication. And a blog can be a marketing instrument, that helps to promote yourself; if one wants to become known, he could try to make a consistent blog and promote it; in this way he may get to be known by others, he may get to be popular.


People are lonely. They don’t have people around to listen to them, so they end up arranging a conservation with wider audience.


this raises a question. If let say, i hav a little row or argue with my gf, should i write it in my personal blog? or if i meet a pretty girl, should i share it in my blog? if let her saw it, den i think i'll need a long and hard time to explain to her. or u think i should'nt share those thing in my blog? but its my true feeling wad.. >.< damn kek sui right? dats y i dun like blogging... mayB i m wrong... duno.. Lol...
In a nutshell, I think that many people keep diaries, or journals, to write thoughts down and reflect. Many, many people find that sharing thoughts helps to relieve them.
i did and i fully agree. but not in blog for sure..
today is valentine's day, but i make my gf angry... i damn failure right? = = lOl..
i m not a active blogger as well, but i'll still update it when my day is boring..= =