16 December 2009

I miss C-wei

I know it hurt you
It hurt me too,
But now that you are gone,
All I know is I miss you.

You were there for so long,
I never thought you would leave.
I thought you had so many years,
waiting up your sleeve.

That day you left,
Was the saddest of my life
I remember going home,
And crying all night.

I might be selfish,
But I wish you were still here.
Or if you stayed,
For at least one more year.

I know you loved me,
I still love you too,
So Im trying to be good,
Just for you.

I know Im not perfect,
I never will be.
But I hope your up there,
Proud of me.

You had to let go,
Even though you were holding on for so long
But theres not a day I dont think of you,
And how you were so strong.

You never complained,
Or said why me?
You just knew,
That thats the way it was meant to be.

So I just want to tell you,
Even though I still cry,
That I miss you so much,
And Im glad you said goodbye.


紧握过的双手 拥抱过的温柔
所有的对错 跟着脚步你一併带走

我不想不愿不去承认 我的执着
怕不知不觉无法忍住 眼泪不留

是爱伤害了 彼此的自由

你不看不听不说 为什么要离开我

没有你的第 18天

还没睡 虽然很累 就是还不想爬上床

因为 想打扰你 因为 想念你
而昨晚突然很想听你的声音 就刻意打了给你
虽然只不过是一句 “晚安”

牵着你的手 在海边听海 是我们美好的回忆



15 December 2009

没有你的第 17天

如果现在你打给我 说晚安
我想 我会 掉泪
离开的日子 难过 可是我会学会坚强
一个人的日子 只不过是我还不习惯

离开的那一天早上 差一点叫到你哒哒 立刻转口叫微微
你哭笑着说 你知道我改不了口
其实我知道你还爱着我 可是你真的累了
相信我 去休息吧 不要再想那么多 安安静静的休息


闭上双眼 再把自己放空




A lovely post from BuBu joey

If u aRe friend, read this.. =)
really touch~ hugs...


to all my fren in ktn, hugs.. really really love u all so so so MUCH~! T^T


14 December 2009

没有你的第 16天

临走前 还能见到你 真的很满足了
本来没打算向前去道别 却发现你好像看到了我
看见你舍不得的样子 我知道我不能让自己后悔
尽管只是一句普通的 “bye, 我走了"

这一刻 却牢牢铭记在我的脑海里

13 December 2009

没有你的第15天 [离开的那一天]

可是昨晚太夜睡 结果睡迟了

打了给你 告诉你今天下午就离开了 你声音突然变了 好像很舍不得 好像是哭了
可是我不敢问你 就只好一直说会很快就回来 一回来就找你
原谅我 似乎最后一分钟才告诉你 真的担心你会难过

东西还没收拾整理好 不是很想离开
真的想你 这一秒钟 可以停下来吗

待会去吃早餐前会去你家一下 买了海藻 要给你的
你曾经对我说过的 我还记得 希望这些海藻对你有帮助
还有你的Iphone 帮你拿去问了很多地方 有一家可能可以帮忙修理
可是时间来不及了 要麻烦你自己拿去那里弄了

一直以来都很听你的话 这一次换你听我了

我不在的时候 一定要好好照顾自己
顾着他人的感受这很重要 长大了 不能再任性了
要懂得控制脾气 要懂得学会迁就别人 关心别人
因为别人也和你一样 会喜欢被关心的

你的笑 真的会融化我的心
得空的时候多笑一些 心情也会好很多
以后的日子 开心或不开心 记得想想我 陪伴着你的那一刻

这一天很难过 可是我会记得的 记得今早的那一通电话

微微 对不起

12 December 2009

没有你的第14天 [是真的]

时间过得那么快 明天就要起程了

真的很喜欢你 所以真的很不想离开
是真的 真的很想念你
是真的 真的很舍不得微微

真的很想 你还可以在我身边
真的很想 我还可以抱你入眠
真的真的很想 再准备早点给你
真的真的很想 再跟你烛光晚餐

真的很想 还有机会可以拖着微微的手
真的很想 还有机会可以抱微微入怀里
是真的真的 很想再跟你开开心心地在一起

爱一个人是真的真的很浪漫 被一个人爱也真的真的很幸福
是真的不想放下 是真的不想输给命运


我是真的 很爱你

STPM 最后一天 (2)

~~ continue STPM 最后一天 (1)



吃完濑粉的时候才8点出 还有1小时多的时间 就和她去兜风
去了看人家的豪宅 还去了海边看海


这一天也染了头发...来开新照 xD

11 December 2009

没有你的第13天 [离开的事实] 

心里真的很纳闷 你却不在

倒数还有两天 却还没告诉你 因为不想你会难过
既然你都已经决定了 就不要把情况弄糟
就算不能放下 离开的事实依然无法改变

现在的感觉就像一把刀 插在你的心 你能感觉到吗? 
每一次上来这里 都会有很多感触
过去的感动 是美好的回忆

消失在你眼前 思念依然伴随左右
很想见你最后一次 却没勇气开口 希望往后的日子 微微可以照顾好自己

我知道 我明白 也接受了


STPM 最后的一天 (1)


昨天是统考的最后一天 可是我前一天就考完了我的paper
虽然如此 今天的我依然早起
刷牙洗脸后上了一会儿的facebook 看时间已是7点出了
billy都到我家了 糟 结果凉都还没冲就出去了

放了他去考试后 就去找这一位大小姐
这一位就是 zyuwenn了 是我的好兄弟 人美可爱却粗鲁到.....=x

其实ffk了她很多次 本来那天答应了去巴士站接她 怎么知道当天给忘了 连她妈都说我没良心
可是看似她都已经习惯了 没关系啦 lalalala~~~
今天真的终于去找她了 !!
第一个地点当然是pasar 一起尝到了久违的 濑粉!

to be continue~~ in the next post STPM 最后的一天 (2) together with the pic tat i took that day... not at home right now.. 0.o"

10 December 2009


还记得见面的第一次吗 我去找你的 扯铃老师的家
那时候你很多话讲 超喜欢
就这样我们的故事开始了 有开心的 有不开心的

是我不好 是我不珍惜 也忘了伤害了你多少次
可是你总是不离不弃 在我身边 
就算是开心不开心 大大小小的问题 就算很少找你 你也能装作没关系
我知道你是辛苦的 可是因为喜欢 你付出了 却不曾要求过什么

只是知道无论发生什么事 只要有着喜欢的方思微在身边 就已经开心满足了

很想以同样的方式 感动你


其实很傻 明明就知道你不会回来了 就不应该再去挽留
你累了 很累了 真的真的很累了 
你想的 要的 我明白

要离开了 可是心却没能放下离开 
想你 真的想你 真的还想守护着你 
伤心 却无能在最后为你做些什么的 

原来爱一个人 是那么的辛苦 可是这一种辛苦却是甜的
就像我们的回忆  我们的故事 一样... hugs...超想念你的

很不想要离开 很想要把你抱紧 很不想离开你 你知道吗?


09 December 2009

没有你的第11天 [有那么简单吗 我不是你]

找对了人 为什么还要分开
多少风和雨 怎么可能就这样放下
没有你的陪伴 寂寞时要怎么办

习惯了夜晚有你的声音 有你的陪伴
很想你 很想你 真的很想你

只是想不到如今的是 没有挽留 有的只不过是伤心的道别

"We always ignore the ones who adore us, and adore the ones who ignore us"

放下?我也想啊. 有那么简单吗



07 December 2009


事隔那么多天 还是那么想念你
我知道 我清楚 放下你真的会很难很难
already plant u deep deep in my heart
已经是生活的一部分了 要忘记 要重新来过
偶尔让自己颓废 其实真的无伤大雅~又何必急着重新爬起来呢?[GURL你说的对]

开始的时候 要的是两个人的同意 才能够在一起
就因为这样 你守候了我好几年
分开的时候 只要一个人同意 就算分开了
就因为这样 我不敢作声 只好守护你

思薇,我爱你 真的很爱很爱你
如果真的是要离开这里才能放下的话 我会选择离开
可是我不会舍得 因为这里有你和我的回忆
宁可死在回忆里 也不想要心死

虽然很多都不用真名 可是要谢谢你们的留言 =)


06 December 2009


雨后清新的空气总是有着让人无法抵挡的魅力,不同的时刻不同的情绪,雨,给着我不同的感觉,想念,浪漫,感伤...也因为这样,我爱上了雨天。在寂寞的夜里,雨,敲打出一夜的思念没有混乱交叉复杂的心情, 只有想念,想念在冷风里握着那双温热的手心。

I can act nothing but nope when I'm alone... All i know is that I'm lost without you. I miss you more than you'll ever know.
If u really can't LDR never mind.. i'm always your understanding guy. just as u wish.. hugs.. happy forever.

Our pass was deep and full of sweet/pain =) love u my dear dar dar... hugs..
如果是爱的话 不要离开好吗
就放掉以前的约定 重新来过好吗?


对不起 今晚喝醉了 打电话乱讲话

很想念你 真的很想你......
对不起.. 给不到你的 希望以后有机会 ; 给了你的 希望会是美好的回忆

心疼 因为喜欢你 因为爱你
很想打包早餐去你家一起吃 很想在深夜去你家拿你特地为我准备的早餐-炒饭
很想拖你的手 因为真的太温暖了
很想再抱你 因为你也喜欢被我抱的感觉

"The hardest to do is waking up without you."

只可惜的是 回忆 也只不过是回忆



I learn to love, not by finding a perfect person,but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.....

dar, i'm still loving you


02 December 2009


"A million words would not bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried"

我知道...... 了~ 方思薇 我爱你


30 November 2009


My heart was taken by you, broken by you and now it's in pieces because of you. cwei, i love u



29 November 2009

没有你的第一天 29/11


一句“你的声音有点烦” 伤透我的心

一直以来,都是你找我,每一天早上一封morning msg, 是那么温馨,甜蜜。


I shall always be with you in the brightest day and the darkest always and always.
You are the most important thing to me now. The most important thing to me ever.
You are my life now.
The most absurd, ridiculous concept,as if there were any way I could exist without needing you.
I'm here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you.

I was thinking of you, seeing your face in my mind, every second that I was away.
Only you could be more important than what I wanted...what I needed. What I want and need is to be with you.
Before you, dar, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars--points of light and reason.
And then you shot across my sky like a meteor.
Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty.
When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black.
Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore.
And there was no more reason for anything.

P/S : pong see wei, i love you very much. hugs...


05 October 2009




早上一睡醒敏俐就sms来的,说下午gathering (她今天生日呢) 还好有些节目不用太闷。
YamCha完后就去了她的家,看她吃饭 =.=" haha.. 吃完坐了一下就去ECM买games,再到CC的家玩蜡烛灯笼。其实都没有中秋节的fell咯,人家说今晚要团圆的,可是偶的家人又不在关丹,她又不在身边,团什么啦。。。


02 October 2009


从钱不够用开始注意他 再看回他以前的作品 ,老師嫁老大,我在政府部门的日子,幸福萬歲,小孩不笨....全都是梁导在新马两地的家喻户晓作品。
梁导的戏一直都涵盖给深厚的意义,很有本地片的味道咯,福建加cantonese, 这就是梁家班作品的pantern。

家里有鬼mother 黎明姨 从电视和床上出现的那一幕,西北够力吓到!

还有值得一提的就是要把mother灵牌送进庙的那一段,真的很感触。“生前把她送去老人院,死了把她送去庙” ,这一句真的反映出了本地很多人不孝的一面。

*看完戏要回家的时候,jaguh竟然再出 pantern - 抛苗..... grrrr


29 September 2009

08 September 2009

Is peace.love.hope.trust.believe

♥ There Is No Shortcut ♥
♥ Everyone Start From Zero♥

♥ Learn To Give And Take ♥
♥ Show Empathy Neither Sympathy ♥

♥ Look At What You Have ♥
♥ Never Look At What You Have Lost ♥

03 September 2009

Benny 的近况



待这些问题搞定后就到家里两只宝贝-rocky bobby被人诬赖咬人,被市议会逮捕了。那人还把石头抛进家里,简直就是要闹事。这是昨天早上发生的事,现在它们都被送去动物局作体验了,还好没丢命。体验后如果有问题可能就麻烦了;如果没事的话就得上庭罚款就可以了。不管是钱还是用什么办法都得保着它们的命,现在重要的是rocky bobby 意志力一定要强,怎样都得挨下去,千千万万不要出事就可以了。而诬赖被它们咬的那两位印度夫妇我一定会向你们取回这个公道的,若有咬伤就应该去验伤,况且有人证它们没咬人。而言论不负责任的人就得得到教训,抛石头惹事的人也应该得到法律的制裁。待把rocky bobby带回家后 一定去找他们。

还真的蛮担心。现在就是试考期了,可是一来没时间准备也没心情,成绩 一定很糟。而我当然知道这次的试考很重要,但成绩糟会是事实,要面对~ 可以怎样啊。现在唯有开始努力了~ PA paper2 还有makro都不够时间做完~必扯到~

真的停了。虽然很想回去练舞,可是没变,我知道一定要撑到考完会考,不然一定会后悔的。虽然我停了,SUDC却还在跑~最近小的一班就成立了So_What crew, 虽然还不是很行,而我也要他们保持低调,但看得出他们的努力,表演也陆续有来,那就好啦~SUDC放慢进度的另一边厢,MaximunCrew 是在努力的,进步也很快,甚至可能已经超越SUDC,但不管这么样,待我们会考完毕后卷土重来~在我离开这里前再来拼一个。SUDC_JB 那边面对不够人的问题,studio还为能正式开张,真的希望这些问题能快点解决。

爸爸妈妈外公搬去怡保了,家里剩下外婆哥哥弟弟妹妹...还有baby。。。真的好不习惯,希望这3个月快快过去~一切顺顺利利就好。当然也希望新店生意兴荣~ =x


容忍的人其實並不笨 只是寧可對自己殘忍

24 August 2009

1st Year Anniversary 240809




一周年庆~今晚誓要给你惊喜 =x


21 August 2009


怡保 [阿合味馆] 即要开张了!! 
Ipoh “UNCLE HUP restaurant” open sooN!

关丹耀记鸭面(凌晨3点鸭面)即将搬迁到怡保,bandar baru menglembu了!改名[阿合味馆]
*start next week, my daddy mummy grandpa all will move to ipoh d, the rest will stay here until finish 09 school day. Dat time really hav to say bye to kuantan d.. >.<

21/8, today took my lunch at “pasar besar” & my dinner at “IM pasar malam” with chyang and billy, haha... pasar's food becum our favourite d.. =p

Last, wish all of u "Happy School Holiday"... STUDY HARD...for trial.... lOl..

15 August 2009


雨后清新的空气总是有着让人无法抵挡的魅力,不同的时刻不同的情绪,雨,给着我不同的感觉,想念,浪漫,感伤...也因为这样,我爱上了雨天。在寂寞的夜里,雨,敲打出一夜的思念没有混乱交叉复杂的心情, 只有想念,想念在冷风里握着那双温热的手心。

咖 啡,打开了久违的部落格,很想很想把我现在的不开心全给吐出来。却突然对键盘感到很陌生,脑里一片空白,我是怎么了... 。以前每一次不开心的时候,都会上来坐坐。是的,今天不开心。不再是因为你的不信任,不再是因为你的任性。也许你不会感觉到那一种失望无奈的感觉,就好像 利刃一样,插入心脏的最深处,因为一句感觉不到,都被抹杀毁于一摊了。也对,你不需要,也没必要。心情高高悬挂在空中,混乱交叉的心情,有谁明白?


是的,爱情就是捡石头,每个人都想着要捡到最适合自己的 石头。可是茫茫的沙滩上,哪一颗才是绝对适合你的石头呢?与其精疲力尽的苦苦追寻,为何不将自己已经拥有的石头用心仔细的打磨, 使其变成自己心仪的样子 呢?很多人以为,人是由于感情的淡化而变得懒惰,其实人是先被惰性征服,感情才慢慢变淡。如果真的发现问题存在了,不要逃避。行动吧,想想计划,再着手改 造、打磨,用你温馨的问候,轻轻的关怀……因为,你知道,我知道,大家都知道:有活力的爱情,是需要适度殷勤来灌溉的,谈恋爱,更是不可以偷懒。

都说失去的东西,你才觉得它弥足珍贵,因为它使你曾 经哭过、笑过,幸福过、悲伤过……你知道,它带走了太多曾经属于你的东西,甚至掏空了你的灵魂。每个 人都有过去,过去的意义在于带给我们经验与情感的体验,以及其中蕴藏的往日的温情和生命饿力量。“羁鸟恋旧林,池鱼思故渊。” 这个世界真正属于你的东西其实并不多,不好好的珍惜,它就会离你而去。

欢乐多少,痛苦几何,都会成为曾经存在。曾经经过的证明。望望窗外的雨下个不停,回想起我们的点点滴滴,道一句 "男儿有泪不轻弹"

擦掉就算 =p


14 August 2009

19 July 2009

SUDC open training is available now~!

Open for everyone that love dancing and SUDC
Stay closer with us by joining our practice, lets dance together~!
Its only 3buck now`!
*call us for more information*

SUDC open training 2009 ~ is available now~!

note : this is not dance class.. just come here to have FUN~!
objective : encourage more local youngster join dancing

10 July 2009


下雨天了 怎么办 我好想你
我不敢打给你 我找不到原因
谁和我一样 等不到她的谁
爱上你我总在学会 寂寞的滋味
一个人撑伞 一个人擦泪 一个人好累

怎样的雨 怎样的夜 怎样的我能让你更想念
雨要多大 天要多黑 才能够有你的体贴
别说你会难过 别说你想改变

Bendan's history - 翊雯版的历史

welcome support my latest post -
Bendan's history - 翊雯版的历史

did u all know what is nonsen? =)
let take a look on this bendan' post... xD




那就要从牛顿说起咯.. ^^

不妙..>.< 原来秦始王坐在榴莲树下被榴莲碰过头无数次!而且被榴莲轻轻碰了下就头破血流..T.T..头都快变形了.. 都没发现地心引力,真悲哀..  因此,秦始王大发雷霆!就下令把全部的书都烧了!! 但..烧书烧不尽.. 现在很多学生怪秦始王烧书烧不尽 ..>.< .. 如果真把书烧完了.. 那咋们不都要去耕田啦?@.@ lol.. 啊! 对了,那棵榴莲树啊...xD.. 其实是武松打虎时种的哦.. 他心想..haha ..种了这棵树,下次反过来被老虎追时就有棵树给他爬上去了~ 话说回来..秦始王烧书烧不尽是因为 秦始王烧书烧到一半, 他儿子李白就跑回来跟他说.. 爸..对不起..我不小心把你最爱的那棵榴莲树砍下来了..T.T.. 他爸爸秦始王..因为很高兴孩子如此的诚实,就奖赏他一颗太上老君提炼的仙丹. ^^... 李白吃了仙丹,就带着一只兔子一起奔月了~ 从此李白与茱丽叶在月球上过着幸福快乐的日子 ~XD 啊!对了.. 第一次美国发射火箭上月球,里面那个太空人就是茱丽叶. the end ~ xD 
0 评论

yea, she is cute and funny... pay a visit on her blog if u like her.. =)
she is a nice girl ever... but heard dat she always headache...
take care yaa.. =)

08 July 2009

My ex neighbor- Zihui Tan

Zihui Tan

Last night really din sleep.. 0.o"" lOl..
chat vf my ex neighbors-Zihui in fb until the next morning.. imba...
yea, she is a girl, but dun misunderstood... haha..




07 July 2009

想写很久了- 关单嘻哈舞团的故事

可以说是因为忙 但还是会每一天上来坐坐 看看别人的部落格

没写过你 却想写的东西很多 可也不知如何写起

几年前有个舞团 《舞者》,是个由几位男生组成的嘻哈团,而大多数的成员都是来自丹那不爹的街舞者。第一代的成员在后期招兵买马,成立了《舞者》二代。《舞者》二代的成员虽然还是丹那不爹占了大数,可是成员的挑选是看实力而不是像以往那样依地方性。随着庞大的阵容,二代成员一接领就达到了巅峰。无论是霹雳舞,锁舞还是机械舞,当年的嘻哈强手可说都聚集在《舞者》了,里头还分了好几队主攻不同的舞蹈,几乎所有人都能撑大旗,所以《舞者》那时的对手不算多,在任何当地比赛中都能脱颖而出。可惜《舞者》二代的时代很快就结束了。 解散的原因不是很多人知道,知道的人也不提,毕竟是件不开心的事。很多人误乱猜测解散原因,摆弄是非,更有人希望从中得利,其中包括一些舞社。而真正解散的原因,是因为当年有些成员不喜欢队长的作风,觉得队长没有管理舞团的能力。舞团间的误会与纠纷也越来越多,越来越严重。直到后期舞团会议都开不成功,一些主力成员想退队,《舞者》就开始面临破裂。队长后来解散了《舞者》,与其中一位成员组成了另一队伍。其他的二代成员没跟随,有很多因此而停止练习,演出或比赛,有者更退出了舞圈。一代成员后来有试过重组,可是最终因为成员问题失败了,《舞者》就这样没再出现了。《舞者》的故事很多,如果要写,恐怕今晚真的不用睡了。

《舞者》解散后,嘻哈风气开始下滑,直到后来SUDC,7crew,MDC的成立,嘻哈那一股风又回来了。 7crew就是当年《舞者》二代队长成立的,可是当年还没称为7crew。7crew与tren studio有着密切的关系。在成立不久后,7crew就组成了一支嘻哈强队。当年与《舞者》二代队长一起出来组队的那一位二代成员却在不久后离开了7crew,与tren的另一帮街舞者成立N-crew。而锁舞与机械舞的舞蹈员后来也离开了7crew,演变成的就是今天与霹雳舞为主的7crew。

在7crew成立前一些日子,《舞者》二代的一班成员为了提高嘻哈舞蹈风气,联合U-Crew,还有一些H2Clan的成员组成了SUDC。SUDC没主攻任何舞蹈,就以嘻哈为中心,当中包括霹雳舞,锁舞,机械舞,NewJazz等等,也推出过双人/情侣嘻哈舞,在早期更受到ABDC的Jabba舞蹈风影响。这就是SUDC的开始。后来随着更多的成员加入,SUDC也开始成立了舞团小组主攻不同的舞蹈,就像当年的《舞者》二代。SUDC幸运的没遇到当年《舞者》二代的问题,可是内部也是有个严重的问题,那就是成员太散,不集中,很多都不在本地。其中包括一位开团功臣,搬去了柔佛州,现忙着筹备SUDC jb 分行的事物。


当然这里还有很多嘻哈舞团,包括PCYD,Sunshine,皇城等等.... 还有一小时就要上学了,有机会在继续........... =)


03 July 2009

Prom09 guy model in da house!

Top : Szeboon, Junhong, Hannan, William (left to right)
Btm : Benny, Khangsheng, Hamyu

my 1st modeling partner.. =)
miss and love u all so much~! haha!!

waliao~~!! 6years more... =.="

Benny took the What age will you lose your Virginity? quiz and got the result: 25 or so..

25 or so: Your very moral and romantic,

just waiting around for the right person to share the intimate experience with.

28 June 2009






yes, im moody today...


but i still keeping my promise
im always there...

when u need me

and thx fer ur understanding.


20 June 2009

Bye Virus Fever


病毒 : viral fever
小子 : benny 仔

Saturday Sunday busy with the F&N roadshow and ECM battle. It's damn tired but i still went to school seem its the 1st schooling days after a 2weeks holidays. I started feeling not well after the 1st recess. The weather is hot and im headache = = so before 2.30pm i already leave school.

Noon i lepak with my girl and schoolmates at K&Ykopitiam before we go Queena. At there i found my skin full of red dots, its rash i think. And Enwei had sent me to the nearer hospital.

Fever, rash, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue..almost all the signs and symptoms of H1N1 i also kena d.. =.=" omg..

It take me an hour wait for the doctor even that's only 2patient.. bloodtest done and im suspected kena a desease, called viral fever... =.=" duno wth is that.. the doc gave me 5type of medicine and told me go back hospital after 4days.

4days later(yesterday) i went bac hospital and took the 2nd times bloodtest.. yea, doc said the situation is better and i will be recover after few days...

*thx god*

我的血my blood 0.o""

what is virus fever?
A special type of fever that develops and then gets treated without the offending virus being specifically identified.

Headaches, body aches and a skin rash characteristic most of these viral fevers.
They require only symptomatic treatment. but some are highly contagious and can can progress rapidly leading to death

How long do they last?
It is noteworthy at this point the famous saying 'a viral fever usually gets treated in 7 days with medications and in a week without any'

What are the precautions that one must take ?
Cough is usually not a good sign and chest infections caused by bacteria (like pneumonia) are quite common. Therefore, doctor would normally prescribe some antibiotics which strictly are not indicated in viral fevers and they are known to cause more harm than good unless absolutely indicated.

*i just write what i know. More about viral fever, search webhealthcentre

Facebook : 性格测试 測驗

Benny 已參加 性格测试 測驗,結果是 顽强个性


尽管生活是有崎区挫折, 但你总有办法克服, 顺利渡过! 你遭遇过的措折比一般人多. 你曾经接触过一些难相处的人, 没道理的规定和不和谐的人际关系. 你对爱情的态度就像太阳表面一般热情高温. 当你被很多烦人的事困扰的时候, 你要不就是非常镇定的静观其变, 要不就是以领导者的姿态出现叫大家都闭嘴! 你觉得一个人去看电影没什么大不了. 反而想不通为什么有些人非要有人陪 才肯去看电影. 你感到自在, 不论是一个人独处或处在人群当中. 你对你的父母不很满意但又无法改变他们. 你会是个很好的情人. 如果你能在万人之中找到和你极为相配的人. 不然的话, 你和恋人的关系总是不能持久或痛苦结束. 你可能已经和一个你并不爱的人在一起太久了. 生活就像在坐云霄飞车一样, 你总是想尽办法让生活过得更加如你所愿. 你要不就是个运动迷, 要不你就曾经嚐试过禁药.


18 June 2009

♥JïNe ShïeИ♥静娴 の 世界 [promote]

To jine shien

Didn't know you are a blogger as well.. Actually i am doing PA folio now, just log in my blog and saw your msg. Well, today have ntg special to post, so.......seem i just get your blog's link..then an idea come to my brain- promote your blog... haha... 1st time promote friend blog, lOL...

Her name is jine shien, chinese name 静娴.
She is my classmate in form6 sabs
How to describe her? [Active+Funny+Friendly]
If u like her, pay her a visit... =)

I meet a gay

It's two weeks ago, a night in subang, when i'm using pin yang's computer for ffs. A guy come and chat with me. I remember he started the conversation by asking me about a games, and he told me that he same age same school with me. but then he suddenly asked me some weird question =.=" :

xxx = The guy (i change his name to xxx ady..respect)
Benny = It's me...


Lol.. Yeah..

Now quitted

I wanna ask you something

Lol.. Yeah..

You interested In Men and Women?

Means you're Bisexual? Sorry curious

11:49pm xxx

Lol sorry - -

wad happen

u are bisexual?
11:50pm xxx

I'm asking you - -

Why you ask me back?

y ask me this weird question
11:50pm xxx

Okay okay.. I admit I'm gay..

I saw your Info

That you put you're interested in men and women..

I thought you'll like women or men..

Bisexual = can go with women or men..


Sorry to make you blur..


i understand

its ok
11:52pm xxx

So you're Bi?




im normal, sorry = =


*sampai sini cukup dah... I jus copy paste one part only >.<

LMao =.=""


17 June 2009

翊雯和慧敏版的 牛顿

牛顿再世不知会不会给她们冷到.. 0.o"'""
( 不要说我没帮你promote你的blog, xD)

来~看下翊雯版的牛顿 0.o""


接下来是我朋友说的,慧敏版的牛顿 ~

孩子啊~ 你知道吗?
以前有个人叫牛顿, 他偷了个苹果,他向大家说了这件事,大家都不怪他,都原谅了他~所谓知错能改,善莫大焉!

读后感 :非常的.....捏到........... 冷 0.o" 有被吗? xD

14 June 2009

04 June 2009



这一次BOTY之旅 确实学到了很多很多东西
所看到的 听到的 触到的 感受到的 这全都是收获 全都是很好的经验
当然 要谢谢妈咪的支持 subang朋友的照应 才使这一次的BOTY之旅完美结束

朋友的队伍-FamousCrew 虽在半决赛止步,但他们的演出却真的IMBA - 赞!
BOTY Malaysia 2009 FamousCrew

02 June 2009

BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 4rd day morning

wake up at noon... LOL~!!!! 

Ntg special about yerterday. Morning breakfast vf fai, wai loon then go bac sleep sleep and sleep. Too tired ady... go FTZ 2 round, spend alot money there 0.o"" hav dinner at KFC... Lol... hav ntg to write ady....

my BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip 4th days

01 June 2009

BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 3rd day morning

Wake up at 8 sometime and same, others are still sleeping.. Efai and WaiLoon is in da house but yao is not here last night, he went bac to his house ady last night.

Here is the result for BOTY MALAYSIA 2009
Best Show - Giller Battle Crew (GBC)
Best Bboy - Bboy_KINOBU
BOTY Champion - Giller Battle Crew (GBC)
1st runner up - Wakaka Fever
I really get alot of fun and exp here.. Bboy_Kinobu is really freaking crazy PRO,  he is only 16 this year and still "single"(not belong to any crew) Bboy_Jen cant defend his champion but the battle between him and KinoBu really nice..

Among the crew battle, GBC skill is really best compare with other team, especially the elbow hip was perfectly done by Bboy_juicy at the end of the battle between GBC & Wakaka Fever. 
Famous stop at the semi but they was perform well, love their teamwork, their skills and the most - their bboy spirit. Respect them! the battle between famous and wakaka fever was the best ever. 

And there is a call out battle by bboy_easy to bboy_suicide while waiting for the result. I not really know wat happen but bboy_easy seem really angry, and they gonna settle it in the bboy way... LOlx... the mc keep on remind them "no touching no fighting" But he seem quick worry they will fight. There is no judge between this battle, no win and no lose, but of course easy is better than suicide, suicide look damn kek sui lur..

After the result was announced, we straight away balik subang, really beh tahan, sibeh tired~ All terus fall to the bed once reached home and sleep till 9 something ( no one had bath 0.o") 10.30pm, went to lorong vf tf, yao and nien, den go home ggc one round with ww tf nien and xuan. 


31 May 2009

BOTY M'sia 2009 Trip - 2nd day morning

Wake up at 9.30 and blogging, now... while others still in dream.. Lolx...

Yesterday i reach here quick late, rush to one u dat time ngam ngam the showcase comp end, -.-" wad the.. yea, and i meet Bruce Lee, the legend of korea gamblerz crew; Bboy_Katsu from japan; Kelvin Low, the mr.katoon; Marcus Tucker, the Astro battle ground judge; Eddie & Eric, the ipoh bboy dat i long time no meet them d... Of course i meet alot others national bboy here and i guess it will be a very nice trip this time..really cant wait for the battle competition ady.. wuhu~~

Night, Nien Tf Py and Yao bring me to "yuan steamboat" for dinner. One person is only cost 22buck. It's really cheap if u compare vf the food we ate.. The best thing was the Chicken Wing! we have to rebut one, Lol... really sibeh syok... xD

After dinner we went back subang for bath and hav some rest. After everyone gao tim d, we go out for the next station-FTZ xD 2win1lose. We hang untill 3 something only go lorong for supper. And i checked my blog, fs, then youtube awhile before go to bed. It's around 4 something.

BOTY M'sia 2009 final

Im in kl ady~~
Staying at nien house(subang), and using his comp now.. haha~~

Latest update

30th May 2009
Best show = GBC (Giller Battle Crew)

31st May 2009 
GBC(Giller Battle Crew)
vs Project Element
WAKAKA Fever vs Famous Crew

30 May 2009

M'sia Boty 2009

Finally i had finish my mid yr exam and now is the time for holiday`
Opportunely, M'sia Boty 2009 start tomorrow.. wuhu.. Although i don't have any participation in it this year, but hope that ONE DAY later i will be able to represent!

Im going kl tomorrow morning to support my ex crew-SYKO BREAKER & also my friend's crew-FAMOUS CREW... their skill are really awesome, hope both of them will hav a excellent result in BOTY this year...

29 May 2009

SUDC logo 3D

Creative Commons License
Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.



Date : 27.06.2009

Time : 7.00pm.

Venue : M.S. Garden Hotel.

Theme : Mystique,mysterious with magical masquerade.

Ticketing price : RM 60.

Restrictions : 18 years old and above only.

For more information / reservations, kindly contact

Jin Jin @ 016 933 7153

i bet,you don't want to miss it aye!


28 May 2009

Win CoolX kaki mar

The latest match (Dota)
date : 26/05 tuesday
venue : coolx station . Imba team versus Coolx team

Imba team :
Narubian Assassin (甲虫)
Yue the death prophet (女鬼)
benny the faerie dragon
billy the rasta
pw the earthshaker(地主公)

Coolx team :
Cristal maiden(cashier)
Vengeful spirit
Necrolyte (ah kok)
*one more forgot ady..

We forgot the score ady.. but Imba team hav a tremendous win in this match... if not mistaken the killing score was 5x versus 1x

note* the coolx team lead by a guy name 'ah kok' , a paling noisy ppl in coolx.. with his teammate and also the coolx cashier.. ya, imba team win alot dota match, but y i upload this??

1st. The coolx team lead by ah kok - a really very yong shui talkative guy in coolx.
2nd. pw was in the match. request by one of our teamate to update this match in my blog and mention about 'pw in es' really 'imba'. exp. stun n block his own teamate dll.
3rd. ww was in the team(1st team match after he came bac from kl)
Good Game..

Today he come and say 我要报仇,我要挑战你..... 0.o"
really imba~~~


是偶的偶像 当然他不是那一般靠样子出众而令人追棒的歌手
他是 绝对的实力派 这一点在他上星期在关丹的签唱会偶就见证了
本地出唱片的歌手真的很难 而他到台湾发展确实是很好的开始
希望林健輝 一路顺利 唱片大卖 =)

26 May 2009

Found under the eaves

I thought I could, but found not. . .
I thought I strong, but found fragile. . .
I thought I have, but found a piece of air. . .
I thought I do not need, but found indispensable. . .
I thought I do not care, but found i really take to heart. . .


24 May 2009


偶尔想想心里所渴望的,与现实所发生的其实有着很大的差异。那一种苦闷,无奈,犹豫到失去方向,真的很累人。我总是相信着俗人常说的那么一句话"世上没有完美的事物" 即使是金子,也没有完全纯正的,所以才有金无足赤这个字。所以偶不敢要求太多,然而追求完美却是人类的天性。

有些东西固然重要,然而一提再提,那个意义也就不存在了。 在面对许许多多问题的十字路口转折处,学会倾听自己的声音,找出平衡点,随着心里那股力量的方向做出抉择,不需要犹豫有的没有的。


Once spoken, can’t be change anymore.

23 May 2009







真正衬托幸福的是两个字 - 信任,不是得失。


打DOTA的男生是MM的择偶最佳选择 yeah ^.^

imba NIEN 在不久前给我发过一篇很有意识的email... 今天拿来给大家一起分享分享~~!!由于太长,所以我把它改编了... 希望mm们读完后,为了你更美好的未来,不要再阻止你的另一半dotA了;而为了我 另一半的幸福.....stop DoTA.....得空再谈吧~~~哈哈`~~!!



就算每一场Cm都输,打完一局后还是要说GG(也就是good game/多多指教),大不了明天再找回来。君子报仇,十年不晚。久而久之,DOTAer都会养成记吃不记打、谦虚谨慎的良好性格。这同样也是好老公的必备条件之一。


做为DOTAer, 基本功之一就是在游戏中的观察对手的走位和行动,日复一日,年复一年,他的观察力绝对和福尔摩斯不相上下。同样和你在一起的时候,他不会忽略掉你的一颦一笑,一举一动。你疲劳时,他帮助你;你高兴时,一起享受快乐;你苦闷时,他安慰你。老公如此,夫复何求!

5 、计划性



后言 :

22 May 2009

Truant [K]ing

u6a2 truant king- benny chai with only 58 attendance for the 2nd semester..0.o lmao..
This morning oversleep again -_- wake up dat time ady 7.50am Lolx.... and here, a big SORRY to billy, for let him wait so long infront my house and not 1st time ady >.< he is in angry now i think... x.x actually im not purposely mau ponteng one =.= haiz...

and now i hav to start my econ revision ady... pening..... =(

21 May 2009



*屋檐下的小孩 Lil'benny's Blog Description

用了整个早上,终于把部落格给重新包装了~! 部落格的名字也给换掉了-
屋檐下的小孩 Lil'benny 当然这名字是有意识的.. 现在的心情可以用两个字形容 - 开心
昨天才考完 math2 n micro 晚上就和朋友hang到很夜才回..而山鸡(yue)本来约了今早一起回TanahPutih拿SPM文凭的..可是看他现在可能还在睡觉... -.-" 现在是半年考了。说真的,压力很大;老实的,老子不是读书的料。尤其是数学更没眼看,而pa方面这次应该很难拿到甲等... 半年考后试考也跟着来了...然后就会考了.. -.-" 偶尔会问问自己,如果会考考不好,后果会是什么呢?0.o"

Girls like to ask : WHY GUY LOVE DoTA

sowhat is dota, and how do people find it fun?!
search this - What is DoTA #wikipedia The first version of Defense of the Ancients was released in 2003 by a mapmaker under the alias Eul. That time we are only form 1.. If not mistaken, we started DotA since form 2 or 3. MatriX, Speed, Mr.Chow waiting ponteng kaki infront of matrix... everthing still fresh in my mind.. .. hermp... miss it so Much....

And now we still DoTA-ing...
somehow ppl may ask : not SIEN geh mie??always DotA DoTA..

for me
5 buddy on a local internet cafe - CoolX, cursing each other and still have a laugh about it..
Tf's !@#$% ppl ; Pw's Imba Instruction
Cm never win still die die Cm vf other clan
expecting new strategic/combo no matter where we are what we doing

YES, we found the enjoyment in it.

So, u love DotA?

15 May 2009

爱 与 信任

没有信任 可以开始感情
但 不能保持这段感情的真实

信任 是 建立在人品和能力的基础上。
爱 是 建立在感情基础上的。

相反,她爱你 并不代表你就能够被信任。

婚姻的过程可能是把 爱的人改造成信任的人
或者把 信任的人改变成相爱的人

两个人相处 空间的把握是一种 艺术,完全的放任不管不问是 不负责任



Sabs Lower6 Orientation

date : 14/05/2009
venue : sabs

There is some challenging games set by the Sixer club for the lower six forms today.
And im the teamfacilitator for CLOVER team(there is a lower 6 leng lui in my team, forgot wad name ady.. xD) Hmm, the main point joining the faci is because enwei they all also joined ady + i dunwan stay in the class... =p

Activity started at around 8am with team presentation & roll call then follow by the games. There was 8 station set, public speaking, iron man, golden finger, spiderweb, general knowledge and so on.......

after the games, there is a short break den continue vf chicken dance.... haha~! it was damn funnY!

and here is some pic ~ (copy from kerina's blog)

The Chicken dance.. haha
the frenchy - william
they trying to blow down the tower...
中国妈 - enwei
kerina stole the witch's hat。。 LOl
skipping rope
building own tower ~~!! by facilitator team.. xD our tower and the highest and the most stable one.. haha....
EGg babY~~! we draw it xD

actually der is some pic about my CLOVER team, in jin jin's camera
i will upload when i get those pic.. =)
HOpe the lower6 really enjoyed the games =)



1.My Name : Benny Chai Quan Zong

2.My Birthday : 03/02/1990

3.Who tagged you : qiaoyi

4.Name 5 best friends: Imba'gangz, SUDC's gangz, Tp debate group's gangz, SABS's gangz, Chicken's gangz

5.What do you wished for birthday: Health, wealth

6.Happy things that happened recently : B&C (if u know)

7.Most stressed about recently : STPM~!! 0.o""""

8.What is your dream about future : Become 有钱佬

9.Do you have someone you like : Of course lar... xD

10.Will visit your ex-teacher in a classmate gathering : Sure lar~~~!

11.Most happy to hang out with : Gangz

12.If two of your friends were having conflicts : never think of it...

13.Where is preferably the place to go with your lover :as long as vf her... hehe..

14.What to do in Christmas : dancing party`~

15.Who do you want to celebrate Christmas with :vf family? friend?

16.Bad habit on waking up early in the morning : wad its mean?

17.How many siblings do you have : 4

18.Favourite song(Female) : 陳綺貞 - 魚 (recently)

19.Favourite song(Male) : 方大同- love song (recently)

20.Favourite Colour : White, pink, purple, blue

21.Flush before using the toilets? : really waste water lur~~ xD

22.Love me not? : huh??

23.Affectionate to guys or girls : guy den girls... xD

24.What do you wants to shout out loudly : nvr think about it 0.o""

25.Do you dare to go toilets alone in the middle of the night? : Im a boy k.... = =

26.Will you take off your undies in while in the WC : ??????????

27.Who's the bastard : Mr。Lam Zi Chiong / Ham Sap Ching

28.What's the current affection : C Wei

29.Sleeps uglily :yes, if u really know me

30.Whats the time now : 6.59pm

31.Do you hate the person who tagged you : NO. for sure

32.Weight : hehez... let u guess..... =p

33.Weather today : sunny?? duno... stay in the room fer whole day ady....

34.Are you pregnant : I dunwan be the berita harian headline tomorrow.... = =

35.What will you do if you win a lottery : BIG house BIG car BIG shop.. and of course charity

36.An activity that must be done while in the Uni -life : Still In Pre-U,.. LOl

?People Tagged?[Spreading the bad karma... ...]

1.qiao yi



4. hanson 侄儿

5. grace

6. stephy darling sis


8. Carson waiweng


10. tlj

01-?Does no.4 know no.6??: ya

02-?No.10 is a male or female?? : female

03-? The hobby of no.8?: Dance + Dota

04-?Does no. 1 have any siblings?: 1..... if not mistaken.. haha

05-?The surname of of no.7?:jean jean??

06-?Does no.10 have alot of friends??: huh~ i guess so...

07-?Anyone tackling no.4??: Hahaha~~~!!! Ask Him la.. haha

08-?If no.2 is being introduced??:dunno

09-?The favourite colour of no.6?:erm.. blue?

12-?Where is no.5 studying currently??: Smart

13-?How do you know no.10??: in a charity dinner

14-?Whats the difference between the birthmonth of no.1 and you??: this hard... LOl/~~~

15-?Ever hang out with no.9??: yes... for debate activity

16-?Do you like to chat with no.2??: Sure..she's my 中国妈..hahaa.....

17-?Like to be with no.3??:YUp~

18-?How do you think about no.7??: erm..... a best god sis ever.. haha

19-?How do you think about no.9??: HMm.....a very ood a responsible junior.. haha..

20-?Do you love no.5??: = = ... yes, friends love... haha

1.Who tagged you with this questionnaire? : qiao yi

2.How long have you known him/her : 2009!!!! few months ago...

3.Do you think that he/she is important to you? : sure.. everyone is important fer me...

4.Your relationship with him/her : hmmm... relative? haha~~ i m her jie fu

5.Whats his/hers hobby?: Hmm... i jus know her fer few month... 0.o""

6.What do you think about his/her personality?: Friendly?? active?

7.His/her points of importance in your heart : how to measure?? 0.o"" xD

*1st thing before sleep : Hav a goodnight call vf dar dar?

*1st thing after awaking from sleep : read dar dar msg... she sure woke up ealier than me =.=""

*Your idol : Alot lo.. LOl.....

*Favourite season : Spring

*Worked part-time before?: Mummy shop count anot? xD 耀记鸭面.. =p

*Times worked : 3am till 12pm every sunday

*Country that wanted to go most :Paris

*personality hated : Backstabber

*Are you a crybaby? : yes also dunwan tell u lar.. xD

*You laugh alot?: yea~~ sure...

*Do you like to go out alone?: NO solo~~!im not peiwen... =p (dun let him saw this.. xD)

*What time you wake up if it was a holiday?: ngiak ngiak... nonid wake up.. xD

*Today's weather(Sunny Rainy Cloudy): Sunny

*Choose between Friends and Lover : half half

*Choose between Chances and Fates: half half

*Are you narcissist? : haha... view my friendster profile picture den u know.. xD

*Is this questionnaire long? : SiBeh long.... "thx qiaoyi" = =

*How to make yourself feel better every time? : SLEEP, call dar dar....

*Favourite food : mummy'cook

*Do you like ice?: yup~!

*Are you full of happiness?: Yup!

*Which are the friends that you cared the most?: All...

*Whats the most important item in your bed room?: Air cond / Pillow

*Most consistent dream at sleep: duno~ i sleep like pig.... xD

*Will you forgive a guy that is mentally disobedient?: sure lo...

*Whats the meaning of life?: Life is short, Enjoy every second every moment

*Do you know?(See if you can answer this!): u tot Im not jesus.. ? = =

*When do you hate me? : no.. y i hate u.. = =

*Like the day you were born or been into the society?: nope. just always hits the holiday =D

*Like Taoism or Confucianism? : both~ more to Confucianism 儒家学说

*Favourite cake?: cakes baked by mummy and 5yipo.. xD

*Do you like sardins? : Yup...

*Who knows you the best?: Hmm.. many lO.. i nvr keep secret

*IQ higher or EQ?: IEQ!! xD

*Computer or Mobile Phone: Computer of course

*Friendster or Facebook?: both

*Whats your wish right now?: finish this tag asap~~!!! = =

*Tired? : Definately~!!!

*Favourite drinks: alot.... = =

*What do you think of the humanity and personality of the person who tagged you?: grrrr........... !@#$%^&~~~ ...now ady 8.01pm... i started it at 6.59pm= =